Toilet panelling

DIY Toilet Enclosure

Looking to upgrade your toilet? Consider making a toilet enclosure yourself with custom-cut wood and sheet materials. Below, you'll find how to do it.


Start by gathering the necessary materials, such as MDF, plywood, or timber panel, available at


Determine the design of your toilet enclosure. Think about the dimensions, style, and functionality you want to achieve.

Custom Cutting

Use the custom-cut panels from to obtain the desired parts for your toilet enclosure.


Once all parts are cut, start assembling the toilet enclosure. Follow your design and ensure everything is securely and properly assembled.


Finish your toilet enclosure with paint, varnish, or other finishing touches of your choice. This will give it a personal touch.

Need Inspiration?

Looking for inspiration for your toilet enclosure project? Check out the many examples and projects at

Discover the best toilet panelling DIY projects or view all DIY projects

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